2024  Austria

2025 Belgium

This is an International bi-annual event introduced in 2011 after a pilot in Ireland some years earlier.  The concept of the pilot was the basis for forming the IPA Australia Serving Officer’s Day Program attached to the National AGM Weekend.

EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR:   Vice President of the Australian Section

AWARD COMMITTEE:    The Award Committee consists of the;

  • National President, as Chairperson
  • Executive Director of the Award, and
  • The Chairperson of each Region or their appointed representative

OBJECTIVE: To support the attendance of an Australian Section representative attend the Seminar.


  • Nominations shall be on the approved application form (this is supplied by the country hosting the event)
  • Nominations shall be called for by publication in the National magazine and the IPA Australia website and any other method the Executive Director deems suitable.

CORRESPONDENCE:        vicepresident@ipa-australiapolice.com.au


  • Applicants must be serving operational police officers
  • Applicants must be of or below the rank of Sergeant.
  • Applicants must be under the age of 35 at the time of the commencement of the event or less than five years of service if over the age of 35.
  • Applicants must have been a member of the IPA Australian Section for at least two years at the time of lodging the application.
  • Applicants must not have previously attended an IPA Seminar for Young Police Officers.
  • Applicants must not have previously been a recipient of an Arthur Troop Scholarship.

PUBLICITY: The recipient must agree to promote the award, including presentations if required, and the provision of a written report to both International, National and internally within their own policing jurisdiction regarding their attendance at the event with an abridged version to be published as the Executive Director sees fit.   Publicity may include the publishing of a photograph of the recipient in the National magazine and/or the IPA Australia website and Facebook page.

AWARD PRIZE:  The award prize shall consist of a monetary subsidy as determined by the National Executive. The National Executive shall take into consideration flight costs direct from an Australian Capital City (economy class).

FINANCIAL CONTROL: The National Treasurer shall recommend a bursary amount, which will be sufficient to enable the participant to purchase a return flight from (Sydney) Australia, to the event location.

(Policy – NEC passed IPA World Seminar for Young the Police costing on Saturday, 25th October 2014)